
Mother's Day Garden Tour Student Art Show 2014

This is the big fund raiser for David Lubin Elementary School. The art program is one of several school enrichment programs supported by this event. As a way to connect the tour to the school we feature student art work in several of the marvelous featured gardens.

Garden Tour Chalk Walk 2014

The entire school takes part in this hands on spring marks the start of our big fund raiser the Mother's Day Garden Tour...and it's lots of colorful messy fun!

Garden Tour Poster Contest 2014

100's of student entries, so many creative and exciting designs and materials, here are just a few from this year's Garden Tour Poster "coloring" contest...

We are Royal

We are Royal...bad hair day. Pop and Humor great end of the year project with lots of personality!
Inspired by the fashions of the wealthy 18th century nobility, pencil drawing, sharpie and watercolors.

Mother's Day Portraits

Special one day project, student drew a portrait of their mother, grandmother or special person in their life...the frames are re-purposed from certificates.

Relief Mountain collage

This new project allows students to build texture and interest with tissue paper and then highlight their image and add details with watercolor paints and watercolor pencils . Very well received and positive results.
Connects well to 5th and 6th earth science standards. Also builds on understanding of a landscape, foreground, middle ground and background.

My Little Monster

Connecting to First Grade Curriculum students created their own monster puppet, using traditional and non traditional art materials. Lot of great hands on fun and learning.

Warm and Cool folk inspired landscapes

Warm and Cool folk/pattern inspired landscapes. Exploring composition, perspective, shapes and patterns.
Drawing with pencil then sharpies, colors warm and cool/ground and sky, using markers and and color pencils. Beautiful pieces, allow time for detail work.