
Art during the Winter months

November-February our Sacramento Winter, we stayed warm and engaged working on different art skills, learning about new artists and continued to make art history connections.

Pre K, DHH, Special day and Kinder transformed summer leaves
into fall treasures and learned about plant life too!

DHH Pre K and Kinder made 3D bead and wire
sculptures, great for improving hand eye

1st grade drew lots of Lines and Silly Monsters too!

First Grade Cookie People around the 

These two look like a certain Art Teacher!

3rd grade Bear in a Winter Sweater project 

4th and 5th grade artists
made a Pop Art inspired Mona Lisa 

6th grade artists drew organic shapes that they filled with designs and patterns 
and then cut and constructed 3-D sculptural forms
This project is completed over a series of art classes using heavy gloss cardstock,
sharpie markers and neon card stock. 
Challenging construction skills