Objective for students: to experience a variety of mediums and
techniques used for creating art. Expanding art history knowledge, connect to
class themes while building art vocabulary. Using art tools, strengthen hand
eye coordination in creativity and following a series of more complex directions,
problem solve as individuals.
Starry Night Inspired Landscape -What are the basic elements of landscape? Dividing the
picture plane. Art vocabulary, following a series of direct drawing
instructions, sketching, developing a personal approach drawing crayon and over
painting with watercolors, salt added for star effect. City/Country theme
Math/Science/Art observed and imagined landscapes
It’s a Small World buildings-Inspired by the graphic work of Mary Blair students
used oil pastels, crayons and color pencils to create their own Small World . Project connects to engineering and design
Paint Exploration- Students designed
and painted color building blocks for Small World Towers, Group Project.
Masterpieces go Pop-
Combining inspiration from Classic Museum Masters and Pop Art Andy Warhol,
students traced the iconic images on clear overhead sheets using Sharpie marker
and build a colorful under collage, resulting in images like the graphic work
of Warhol.
Claymation building - working with model clay artists created 3-D relief mini
buildings Project connects to engineering
and design concepts