
Pre-K and DHH Hands on Fun 2018-19

Objective for students: first experiences to a variety of mediums and techniques for creating art. Hands on development of fine motor skills and begin to follow a basic direction.

Mini clay pumpkins (Air dry) - first clay experience creating a sphere shape. Part 2 paint with orange and green. supports Pumpkin Unit/Seeds/plant cycle

Mini clay apple (model magic) shapes and seasons

Winter Bear Seasonal painting and collage

Shape house- Pre-cut forms to build a house following a series of directions. Shape identification and skill building.

Expressive Color painting-  Using 6 rainbow color tempera paints to cover the paper in an expressive and exploratory project. Color theory

Magic Snails- following a series of directions artist blend 2 colors of clay (model magic) to create a coil form and build a snail shape.