
Special Day Class artists 2016-17

Fun, hands on learning and skill building!

What did we do this year in Art?
Innovations in Art
Our art room theme for 2016-17 
We explored a variety of artistic processes, asked questions presented connections and made discoveries- during the journey created some great art too!
Mixed- Alverez program overview
Objective for students: to experience a variety of mediums and techniques used for creating art. Introduce to the elements of art and vocabulary. Using art tools, developing fine motor skills, classroom behavior expectations and following a short series of directions

Hands on Construction-building with blocks, foam and beads, sensory connections, hand eye coordination.

Painted paper- process painting with sponges, caps and corks
Fine motor skills, hands on experience

My winter hat- Skill building, following a series of directions using precut shapes to build a face/hat composition. What are the parts of the human face? Where are they located, top, middle bottom? Vocabulary

School Project- Heart drawing and watercolor project for online sales

Watercolor Line Patterns-Using a limited watercolor palette students explored color blending and added salt/stars at the end of the experience.

Expressive assemblagesStyrofoam and colorful pipe-cleaners, 3-D construction. Exploration with materials

Group Project- designing and painting their own flower for a class display inspired by Van Gogh’s Sunflower paintings

Symmetrical Butterfly- Folded paper with color blending press and pull. Color exploration and discovery, skill building.