
Hello 2022-23 Are you ready for Art, I am!

 And now here we are in our New Year, welcome to 2022-23.

Greetings from Ms. Jane and 
Mrs. Kane 

It is going to be the best year ever!

Art classes will begin the last week of September.

Can't wait to see each and everyone of you. 


Teach Peace 


End of year wrap up 2021-22

 What a Year! There were many challenges but we did it together and that is what is important-team work is the dream work. And now I hope you have a restorative, restful, joyful and arty Summer Break.

with love and kindness,

Ms. Jane 

6th grade portraits 2021-22

Our 6th grade artists ended the year with 2 projects: a mini monster clay/model magic creation 
and the promotion portrait project. 
This is always an emotional piece for me because shooting the 
portrait images allows me to reflect on how much each artist has grown.
The students use a transparency of the portrait to build a PoP art inspired self portrait and a brief personal statement. These are given to the families at the promotion event. 

These Black and White images will become the PoP portraits with collage elements adding the color